Nebraska DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) Contracts: What You Need to Know

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is a vital state agency that provides a variety of services and programs to the people of Nebraska. As part of their mandate, DHHS enters into contracts with many companies, organizations, and individuals to ensure that the people of the state receive a high level of care and support. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at Nebraska DHHS contracts and what you need to know about them.

What are Nebraska DHHS Contracts?

Nebraska DHHS contracts are agreements between the state agency and other parties for the provision of goods, services, or programs. These contracts help DHHS to carry out its responsibilities and serve the people of Nebraska.

There are many different types of contracts that DHHS enters into, including:

1. Service Contracts: These are agreements with other entities to provide specific services to DHHS. For example, a contract may be signed with a company to provide transportation services to DHHS clients.

2. Grant Contracts: DHHS also awards grants to organizations to support specific programs or services. These contracts usually require a certain level of accountability and performance from the grant recipient.

3. Procurement Contracts: These are contracts for the acquisition of goods or services that are not available from DHHS resources. For example, a procurement contract may be signed to purchase medical equipment or supplies.

Why are Nebraska DHHS Contracts Important?

DHHS contracts are essential for the successful implementation of the agency`s programs and services. By entering into contracts with other entities, DHHS can tap into the expertise, resources, and capabilities of these entities, and provide better services to the people of Nebraska.

DHHS contracts also help to ensure that the state agency is operating efficiently and effectively. Contracts are often awarded through a competitive bidding process, which helps to ensure that DHHS is getting the best value for its money.

How are Nebraska DHHS Contracts Regulated?

DHHS contracts are subject to various regulations and guidelines to ensure that they comply with state and federal laws. For example, DHHS must follow the Nebraska Procurement Act, which outlines the rules and procedures for procurement contracts.

DHHS contracts must also comply with federal laws and regulations, such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These laws ensure that DHHS contracts are fair, transparent, and provide value to the state and its citizens.


Nebraska DHHS contracts are an essential part of the agency`s mission to provide high-quality services to the people of Nebraska. By entering into contracts with other entities, DHHS can access the expertise, resources, and capabilities needed to deliver top-notch programs and services.

If you`re interested in doing business with DHHS, be sure to familiarize yourself with the regulations and guidelines that govern contracts. By doing so, you`ll be better equipped to navigate the contracting process and provide value to the state of Nebraska as a contractor or grant recipient.